How to Create Image & Button Shortcode in WordPress

You can create a WordPress shortcode for image or button by just creating a custom shortcode and passing required parameters and attributes in it.

I have written a detailed article about creating custom WordPress shortcodes, where I have outlined how to pass parameters and attributes in shortcodes.

Here I am sharing the code snippets to create an image & button shortcode in WordPress.

Create Image Shortcode in WordPress

To create image shortcode, all you need to do is just add this code into the functions.php file.

// Dive in WP - Shortcode For Image

function diwp_image_shortcode($attr){

	$args = shortcode_atts(

				'src'   => '#',
				'title' => '',
				'alt'   => '',
				'class' => ''	
		     ), $attr);
   $image = '<img src="'.$args['src'].'" title="'.$args['title'].'" alt="'.$args['alt'].'" class="'.$args['class'].'" />';

   return $image;


add_shortcode('diwp-image', 'diwp_image_shortcode');

This code will create a shortcode called [diwp-image] in your WordPress theme.

Now you can use this [diwp-image src=”link_to_your_image”] shortcode to display an image.

[diwp-image] shortcode accepts some parameters as given below. Where src is required to display image and others are optional.

  • src = source url of your image. this is required.
  • title = you can set the title for the image.
  • alt = you can set alt text for image.
  • class = you can set class for image.

Create Button Shortcode In WordPress

To create button shortcodes, all you need to do is just add this code into the functions.php file.

// Dive in WP - Shortcode For Button

function diwp_button_shortcode($attr){

	$args = shortcode_atts(

						'link'   => '#',
						'bgcolor' => '#1a73e8',
						'textcolor' => '#FFF',
						'text' => 'Button',
					  ), $attr);

	$button = '<a href="'.$args['link'].'" style="background:'.$args['bgcolor'].'; color:'.$args['textcolor'].'; padding: 8px 20px; display: inline-block; border-radius: 4px; font-size: inherit;margin: 15px 0px;">'.$args['text'].'</a>';

	return $button;

add_shortcode('diwp-button', 'diwp_button_shortcode');

This code will create a shortcode called [diwp-button] in your WordPress theme.

Now you can use this [diwp-button link=”link_to_page”] shortcode in to create a button.

[diwp-button] shortcode accepts some parameters as given below.

  • link = link or URL on which it should go when clicking on the button.
  • text = to set the text of the button.
  • bgcolor = to set the background color of the button.
  • textcolor = to set the font color of the button.

I have also written a separate article on creating menu shortcodes in WordPress, where I have outlined creating shortcodes for WordPress menu and displaying them anywhere in wordpress.

I hope these snippets will help you to create images and buttons so easily by using shortcodes and their attributes.

Owner of, solely responsible for creating helpful, informative content about WordPress, a fulltime WordPress developer with 8+ years of hands-on experience in WordPress design and development.